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星命-誕生 born
「暗すぎて今まで見たことがないくらい星が綺麗だよ。」 2011年、震災の日のツイッター 人は昔から星に願いを込めてきました。星もまた私たちに願いを込めているのかもしれません。 遥か彼方の光年からの、光輝く星は、今も在るのでしょうか。 闇が深ければ深いほど輝きを増す星の光 星の花から生まれてく 小さな星の種たちは いったいどこにゆくのでしょう It’s so dark the stars are more beautiful than I have ever seen. People, look up. This tweet from a disaster victim and student, and its heart-breaking reality brought my heart, which had ceased moving needles, back to the world of String Art. People have been making wishes on stars for ages. Maybe stars also make wishes on people. The star that shines millions of light years away from beyond infinity, might it still exist, even now? The life of a star – a prayer The darker it is the brighter a star shines. It was someone’s heart that helped me realize that. For all encounter I express my sincerest gratitude. |
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